Wednesday, March 27, 2013

ugh. exercise.

hello world!

how're things?

my dear friend jessi-belle has suggested that i could keep her company (internationally) while she partake in jillian michael's 30 shred... i thought that this was a good plan!

rather than doing each of the three levels over 10 days (30 days total) i'm going to do each of the levels 10 times... so that i can not shred on the days i go to the gym anyway... unless i want to, of course!

i will also be making a brief food log - which i will record here...

i can say one day... what the hell have i signed myself up for?! and that taking photo's of your food throughout the day really does keep a girl honest.

"am i really hungry"


"can i be bothered taking a photo"


"well. i'm clearly not really all that hungry then, am i?"


thus we have:

clockwise from top left:

a bowl of chopped fruit (apple, fejoa and pear) with 2 spoons of citrus yoghurt and a sprinkle of muesli - for crunch!

snack: 1/2 devilled egg

(kinda bready, i know...) 1 piece of toast with 1/2 kiwi marmite (yay!) and 1/2 english marmite, 1/2 hot cross bun and another 1/2 devilled egg.

snack: 1 apple with 1 slice "tasty" cheese

beef casserole with broccoli and peas, and dumplings!

ice cream


i managed to make it all the way through jillian's video doing a combination of regular and modified moves... i didn't have any weights, though! next time i'm gonna use 400g cans and work my way up to heavier weights/

it was fairly enjoyable and definitely hard work, but not too long a work out!

watch this space!